2025-03-12 02:25:39 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-03-12 02:25:39 [INFO]: Process start for user_id 49364 2025-03-12 02:25:39 [INFO]: sshopify before count 9 and ebay count 0 for the user id is49364 2025-03-12 02:25:39 [INFO]: sucessfully fetched for the user id is49364 2025-03-12 02:25:39 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-03-12 06:59:14 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-03-12 06:59:14 [INFO]: Process start for user_id 49365 2025-03-12 06:59:14 [INFO]: sshopify before count 0 and ebay count 1 for the user id is49365 2025-03-12 06:59:14 [INFO]: sucessfully fetched for the user id is49365 2025-03-12 06:59:14 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-03-12 14:17:56 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-03-12 14:17:56 [INFO]: Process start for user_id 49374 2025-03-12 14:18:01 [INFO]: sshopify before count 1199 and ebay count 0 for the user id is49374 2025-03-12 14:18:01 [INFO]: sshopify in condiiton count 1199 and ebay count 0 for the user id is49374 2025-03-12 14:18:01 [INFO]: sshopify AS-Pools in gmail alex.schachner@yahoo.com count 1199 and ebay count 0 for the user id is49374 2025-03-12 14:18:01 [INFO]: sucessfully fetched alex.schachner@yahoo.com for the user id is49374 2025-03-12 14:18:01 [INFO]: sucessfully fetched alex.schachner@yahoo.com for the user id 49374 {} 2025-03-12 14:18:01 [INFO]: sucessfully fetched for the user id is49374 2025-03-12 14:18:01 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-03-12 15:24:02 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-03-12 15:24:02 [INFO]: Process start for user_id 49376 2025-03-12 15:24:09 [INFO]: sshopify before count 1082 and ebay count 0 for the user id is49376 2025-03-12 15:24:09 [INFO]: sshopify in condiiton count 1082 and ebay count 0 for the user id is49376 2025-03-12 15:24:09 [INFO]: sshopify BeatWizards Academy Marketplace in gmail beatwizardsacademy@gmail.com count 1082 and ebay count 0 for the user id is49376 2025-03-12 15:24:09 [INFO]: sucessfully fetched beatwizardsacademy@gmail.com for the user id is49376 2025-03-12 15:24:09 [INFO]: sucessfully fetched beatwizardsacademy@gmail.com for the user id 49376 {} 2025-03-12 15:24:09 [INFO]: sucessfully fetched for the user id is49376 2025-03-12 15:24:09 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-03-12 15:35:50 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-03-12 15:35:50 [INFO]: Process start for user_id 49377 2025-03-12 15:35:50 [INFO]: sshopify before count 5 and ebay count 0 for the user id is49377 2025-03-12 15:35:50 [INFO]: sucessfully fetched for the user id is49377 2025-03-12 15:35:50 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-03-12 21:29:03 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-03-12 21:29:03 [INFO]: Process start for user_id 49380 2025-03-12 21:29:04 [INFO]: sshopify before count 0 and ebay count 0 for the user id is49380 2025-03-12 21:29:04 [INFO]: sucessfully fetched for the user id is49380 2025-03-12 21:29:04 [INFO]: Execution Finished