2025-02-13 06:35:34 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-02-13 06:35:34 [INFO]: user_id 49004 shopurl : test-epi-plan1.myshopify.com plan id : 1 2025-02-13 06:35:35 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-02-13 06:35:46 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-02-13 06:35:47 [INFO]: user_id 49004 shopurl : test-epi-plan1.myshopify.com plan id : 1 2025-02-13 06:35:47 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-02-13 06:37:53 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-02-13 06:37:53 [INFO]: user_id 49004 shopurl : test-epi-plan1.myshopify.com plan id : 1 2025-02-13 06:37:54 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-02-13 06:37:59 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-02-13 06:37:59 [INFO]: update users set membershiptype = 'paid', plan = 1, sync = 1, skulimit = '50000', tempcode = 'WsE5h4vanW' where id = 49004 2025-02-13 06:38:00 [INFO]: Checking the response from ipn {"status":"success"} 2025-02-13 06:38:03 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-02-13 16:30:25 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-02-13 16:30:25 [INFO]: user_id 49009 shopurl : timbervibes.myshopify.com plan id : 1 2025-02-13 16:30:26 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-02-13 16:30:37 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-02-13 16:30:37 [INFO]: update users set membershiptype = 'paid', plan = 1, sync = 1, skulimit = '50000', tempcode = 'GQIw8XC5C' where id = 49009 2025-02-13 16:30:44 [INFO]: Checking the response from ipn {"status":"success"} 2025-02-13 16:30:47 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-02-13 20:33:09 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-02-13 20:33:10 [INFO]: user_id 49011 shopurl : 501f86-d3.myshopify.com plan id : 1 2025-02-13 20:33:12 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-02-13 20:33:25 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-02-13 20:33:29 [INFO]: update users set membershiptype = 'paid', plan = 1, sync = 1, skulimit = '50000', tempcode = 'eT7AkCH6Xw' where id = 49011 2025-02-13 20:33:32 [INFO]: Checking the response from ipn {"status":"success"} 2025-02-13 20:33:34 [INFO]: Execution Finished