2025-02-14 07:58:04 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-02-14 07:58:05 [INFO]: user_id 49016 shopurl : daisypins.myshopify.com plan id : 1 2025-02-14 07:58:06 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-02-14 07:58:41 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-02-14 07:58:46 [INFO]: update users set membershiptype = 'paid', plan = 1, sync = 1, skulimit = '50000', tempcode = 'ShdEnpMzr' where id = 49016 2025-02-14 07:58:51 [INFO]: Checking the response from ipn {"status":"success"} 2025-02-14 07:58:53 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-02-14 13:04:25 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-02-14 13:04:25 [INFO]: user_id 49011 shopurl : 501f86-d3.myshopify.com plan id : 1 2025-02-14 13:04:26 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-02-14 13:23:15 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-02-14 13:23:15 [INFO]: user_id 49011 shopurl : 501f86-d3.myshopify.com plan id : 1 2025-02-14 13:23:16 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-02-14 13:30:53 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-02-14 13:30:53 [INFO]: user_id 49011 shopurl : 501f86-d3.myshopify.com plan id : 1 2025-02-14 13:30:54 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-02-14 13:31:09 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-02-14 13:31:09 [INFO]: update users set membershiptype = 'paid', plan = 1, sync = 1, skulimit = '50000', tempcode = 'P8cgH9vLZ7' where id = 49011 2025-02-14 13:31:10 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-02-14 16:40:56 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-02-14 16:40:56 [INFO]: user_id 49019 shopurl : dfgjl-ui.myshopify.com plan id : 1 2025-02-14 16:40:57 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-02-14 18:59:18 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-02-14 18:59:18 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-02-14 22:30:08 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-02-14 22:30:09 [INFO]: user_id 49023 shopurl : 22b652-3a.myshopify.com plan id : 1 2025-02-14 22:30:10 [INFO]: Execution Finished 2025-02-14 22:30:21 [INFO]: Execution Started 2025-02-14 22:30:21 [INFO]: update users set membershiptype = 'paid', plan = 1, sync = 1, skulimit = '50000', tempcode = 'GEv2LaPZY8' where id = 49023 2025-02-14 22:30:25 [INFO]: Checking the response from ipn {"status":"success"} 2025-02-14 22:30:27 [INFO]: Execution Finished